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Requirements Management

What is Requirements Management?

Requirements management is the process of documenting, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing, agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to relevant stakeholders. A requirement is a feature, specification, capability or constraint your product must have on delivery to the customer.


Why is it Important?

Requirements gathering and analysis phase is the most important phase in project development. During this phase, the project team learns and understands the customer's needs for the project, and ensures they can meet all requirements.

It is crucial to identify errors and discover needs during the requirements phase. Effective requirements management does the following:

  • Eliminates most design mistakes and focuses the development team on the needs

  • Reduces failures during the development process

  • Separates needs [threshold requirements] from the nice-to-have [objective requirements].

  • Reduces risk

As a result, significant time savings [schedule] is realized by having requirements that are readily available to the entire team, thereby reducing time spent trying to figure out the customer's needs​.

How Does RTD Manager Make it Easier?

With a simple interface, users are able to create new requirements or copy requirements from other projects with ease.

Our Requirements View provides... 

  • An overview of your requirements

  • Links to quickly create tests or design elements

  • Relates requirements to tests or designs for traceability

  • Ability to edit or delete requirements 


Key Features to Developing Requirements in RTD Manager

  • Ability to create new requirements, but also has the ability to import from other tools such as Team Foundation Service (TFS) and DOORS.  

  • As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. So we support inserting pictures in the requirements to help in their understanding.

  • Set Priority for each requirement with our selection to define the need [threshold] vs. the nice-to-have [objective].

  • Includes a Requirements Dashboard to ascertain the projects progress towards requirements capture, traceability and documentation.

DashBoard View.png
  • Relate system requirements, a design element, or an existing test making your traceability easy

  • Collaborative system which facilitates developers, testers, managers, and quality assurance working on the same project through the same application.

  • No more emailing statuses, requirements, excel sheets, etc. RTD Manager aids the system engineer/project manager in producing quality products easily and consistently.

  • In short, RTD Manager takes the risk out of project management.


Let RTD Manager​​ take the pain out of project management


RTD Manager and its logo are trademarked and owned by Nobletech Solutions Inc., an Alabama company.

Microsoft ® ™ and Microsoft ® ™ Word are registered trademarks. 

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