Documentation & the TDP
Documentation, the task least-liked by the team, is a necessary one. Typically, the document set has a standard. So how do you ensure complete & compliant documents?
Well RTD Manager makes this really easy.
With all of the development phases requiring documentation that feeds into the Technical Data Package (TDP), we included a documentation tool. Our documentation tool ensures the newest engineer or tech writer can create documents that are compliant with a variety of standards.
Includes integrated peer review process to ensure accuracy and compliance.
Export peer review comments for proof of process compliance.
Ensures document compliance for many standards to include:
DID-IPSC for Defense Software
DID-SSES for Defense Systems Engineering
MIL-STD for Defense Systems
Others are being developed daily
Ensures project documentation contains the correct format, content, required by various standards (DoD, NASA, ISO).
Minimizes mistakes, and increases efficiency by ensuring compliance from the beginning.
Provides simple overview of document status in a single dashboard view throughout the project.